Wednesday, February 15, 2012


either me wrong or not.

chronological my case since arrive at UK

Sept 2011
i was arrive at this country
meet my senior and ask about the part time jobs
i got the job
but my friend ask me to share it..
that okay..
buy the car 400pound
include 3month insurance ( 100pound/month)
tom-tom (50 pound)
my friend say
i have been duped
but he still want share the job with me

Oct 2011
almost every second at work
i was have been "dihujani caci maki because the condition of the car
but i was able so stand
deep in my heart say
"aku xajak pown ko join aku"
"ko yang sebuk2 nk join"

Nov 2011
he want me to repair the car
because he is not comfortable with the car conditon
deep in my heart says again
" why need to repair"
"this car dh retak menanti belah da"
just wait the MOT of car abes jek
sabar la
i don have much money like u
but he still want fix the car
repair la ( 280pound)

Dec 2011
condition of car seriously more worst
finally something happen with our car
but 1 week before the accident
my friend just buy BMW
so he agree with "hati kecilku" before this
even time tu hati kecil ku dh ckp lame psal tu
tp bru sekarang dye sedar..
during accident
he told me
"rugi jek kter repair aritu"
hati kecil ku say
"kan aku dh ckp"
"ko xnk dgr"
"sekarg aku dh guna 280pound duit simpanan aku"
after 3days of accident
again he force me to share with him
buy honda civic 1.6
i reject the idea
i think it something stupid
1.6 car for delivery..!!
but once again..
on the basis of highest order of trust to my friend
i'm ignore what my heart say
i think he decision may be right 4 this time
buy honda civic 1.6 (480pound)
not longer enough burden 4 me
he said he want legal insurance to cover my car.
i agree for that
i was find the legal insurance for my car
it need to pay 80pound/ month
i din't know what he doing
finally he told me
that he already select the insurance
but the payment is 130pound/month
once again i agree with him
i never once refuse the stupid idea from him
in this month
i was helped 2 other friend to replace my work
as along i know i already have enough money
and i know they more needed the money that time.

Jan 2012
for this month
i realize that i need consider
what important as a MUSLIM
so, every time msuk waktu solat
i ask my friend to drop me at other friend house
walaupown i terpaksa menahan bisikan2 jahat
"ko cepat sikit smayg ade delivery"
"cepat la aku tggu bawah nnti bos marah"
"klow ko smayg tepi jalan xleh ke"
sgt sakit hati bile dgr.
tp i need to face this situation
until the end of the month
i had to express what i want.
i told him.
i xmo pegi keje dari pagi
sbb susah utk solat..
so lepas magrib i will work as usual
i xkesah sgt dye nk bg bpe
walaupown he just give me 10pound
i accept it
may be tu je rezeki aku
sbb selama ni i keje the whole day
i will get 40-50pound/day
he agree with me
1week after
he told me
"ko xpayah dtg la
sejuk kt sini
lagipown delivery xbyk"
WTFS!!! you say
i very disappointed
selama ni xsejukkah..??
selama ni xslowkah delivery.??
i don't know what he think..
ALLAH saje yg tahu
ape yang aku dapat rase n nampak..
after he tak bagi aku keje
he terus beli iphone 4s
beli baju,games beli itu ini
aku xjeles ngan kemewahan ko
tp aku xsangka ko just amik kesempatan kt aku
langsong xnk aku lebih dari ko
ko paksa aku ikut cara ko yang btol2 bebankan aku
last2 aku ko pijak..
ko tutup peluang keje aku
tp ingat la KHALID
rezeki ALLAH bg..
bkn ko..
before that he told me
he dh tukarkan insurans kete
kepada yang illegal dan lebih murah
my heart say
"kenapa sblom ni ko xnk tukar
ko bebankan aku ngan insurance yg mahal
tp bila ko x bg aku keje
ko pandai2 tukar"
aku still go to work with him
sepanjang dalam kete
xde stu patah perkataan pown keluar
senyap sunyi sepi

Feb 2012
over 2 weeks
i just working for 3day/week
and he working 5day/week
i still kene byr insurans 1/4
wlaupown duit yang aku dapat dari keje just 1/6
aku xkesah..
satu malam..
we were arrested by 2 policemen
after 30min investigation
polis tu say
"your car not covered by any insurance
so,i must take ur car first
after u get ur insurance policy
ur can take ur car back
back must pay 150pound within 24hours
after that it will be charge 50pound/days"
yesterday the insurance call and say
"i'm sorry.we can't cover ur car
and withdraw the policy"
so that mean
i must use our own money to get the car back
until today
my friend never talk to me
i don't know why
he never enter the room as long as i do not sleep
so for this reason i just want to know
who are wrong..!!!

jnji ko yang nk kongsi senang same2
jnji ko yang ape cara pown msti aku bleh keje ngan ko
jnji ko yg ko akn adil dlm bhgian keje
mana plak keadilan yang ko bg kt aku
sedangkan ko bermewah ngan hasil yg sepatutnya milik aku

"seorang muslim itu dipegang pada janjinya
dan pada akhirnya segala undang2 mesti berteraskan keadilan"
"the supreme, ultimate, overwriting, and the purpose of the law, including syariah
is justice"